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This course is a very comprehensive study programme to become a fully qualified and certified PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICER (PIO). It is designed to develop future security and intelligence professionals for the international private market with a broad understanding of global interrelationships in politics, economics, social change, science and technology, military developments, systems of thought, public health, and the psychological dimensions of military and terrorist threats, cyber-security, environmental issues, and human cultures. Further, students will learn to understand the implications of these interrelationships for the security of nation-states and the future of human society in a global context.

We live in the so-called "information age". Thus it is easy to understand that information is one of the most valuable assets any country, company, organization or association has. Protection, collection and analysis of data is just as vital for corporate survival, as are air and water to the individual being. EVERY country or corporation needs to both collect data and protect their own - even the Vatican has an intelligence service (a good one, even). This one-of-a-kind study course will teach you both the complete knowledge and the practical skills "of the trade".  It is NOT just another study course. It's one of the VERY few competent and professional private study and training courses to become a full-fledged intelligence operator and expert.

This course comprises every pertinent section of the vast field of international intelligence: industrial and corporate espionage, counter-espionage, data protection, research, analyzing data properly, military intelligence, information services, market research, data security, IT security, cryptography and much more.

PIO students will get an intimate, first-hand look into the world of intelligence. They will learn how to gather intelligence, how to work undercover, covertly in different parts of the world, how to "run sources", how agents are being recruited, conduct risk assessments, how to use technology, how to run surveillance and observation operations and much, much more.

The course also comprises units of history, anti/counter terror, investigation, criminology, languages, politics, economics and much more. Tactical training including self-defense, weapon training and other elements are also integral part of PIO.

Control of intelligence can and WILL decide wars - economic ones as well. There are new cold wars going on right now - not just the war against terror, crime and crazies. Private intelligence experts with enough of a broad knowledge and skills set to service private and corporate clientele are hard to get. PIOs are among the most elite private Intel operators on this planet. This is one of the most exciting careers available on the private market. PIO is an excellent course to enhance your career option if you've had prior training as close protection operator, military or law enforcement, but it is equally the door to a new career for newcomers since this course comprises everything you need to know.  we guarantee a built-in career option - our security agency will employ each successful graduate upon certification!

Do not underestimate the importance of and the need for private intelligence services and operators. This is a very important specialized market, not overcrowded as most other security sectors. Almost all operators asking for jobs with us have been in law enforcement or military service, most are Iraq or Afgh. vets. Such qualifications are a good basis for PIO, but they are NOT sufficient for a long-term career in high-end private, international security! You need to acquire a number of additional skills. PIO is a perfect option to advance and widen your skill set and to enter a VERY interesting, exciting and lucrative new sector.

Industrial/corporate espionage takes place EVERY DAY and (e.g. Russia, China, Africa among others) in some cases, it involves even murder. Thus, highly skilled PIO operators are needed. This is a viable alternative, in terms of career, to chasing security jobs on overcrowded security sectors. A large variety of skills are necessary, including tactical training, survival and self-defense. PIO has many aspects, from data encryption, running agents, gathering information undercover up to fighting your way out of hairy situations...

Introducing a brand-new add-on course for PIO, the BSA now offers the PIO "arial surveillance" programme - which includes the full PIO programme plus special training for parachute jumping, paragliding, ultralight airplane and handling drones for arial surveillance/photgraphy.

This training course is a rare career chance. PIO Arial Surveillance will enable the operator to infiltrate into even remote areas of the world, collect information, or use UL airplanes, paragliders and/or the drones in order to complete the task.

"Detect, Collect Data, Process, Evaluate, Resolve, Act, Exploit" is the PIO motto.

PIO graduates will work international assignments for the Brillstein Security Group / EUBSA and collect information, analyse it and prepare the data for further use by our clients. The PIO certificate includes the guaranteed employment option - we will employ each and every of our course graduates. There will only be a limited number of new students each year. Other suitable add-on tactical training for PIO is SpecOps or Tactical Close Protection training.

This PIO course, especially with the new add-on course, will open up whole new WORLDS of carrer options in highly important sectors of the international security and information industry. This area is by far not as overcrowded, as other security sectors. Yet, it offers a very interesting and lucrative long-term career - plus the built-in employment guarantee we offer to our graduates. It is an excellent choice for ex-military, ex-law enforcement or other kind of security staff to advance the career and move on to new opportunities!

Duration: about 20-22 months up to certification (final exam), a minimum of 4 weeks practical in-camp training plus internship (6 months) - if you select the Arial Surveillance add-on course, additional 2 week in-camp training for parachute jumping, paraglider, UL airplane handling lessons and drone handling will be added.

Requirements: clean bill of health, min.18 years of age, high school diploma or equivalent, no criminal records

Tuition fee:8,500.00 USD (7500.00 EURO, depending on current exchange rate) for the complete study course incl. all seminar, internship, exams and certification. After app. 5, 6 months into the course you'll be able to works as a PIO assistant on real missions, earning first money (part-time) - if you register for the complete PIO Arial Surveillance package, the total tuition is 10,950.00 EURO all including.

The programme provides the student with the interdisciplinary skills to analyze the interactions between all these elements and to communicate their ideas effectively in both written and oral contexts. Above all, students will be able to exhibit innovative problem solving and critical thinking for issues such as

  • industrial and coorporate intelligence issues
  • developing and running agents, undercover work
  • terrorism and asymmetrical warfare
  • transportation (especially aviation and aerospace) security
  • threats to corporate personnel and facilities
  • threats to computer and telecommunications infrastructure
  • trafficking networks in illicit services and substances
  • proscribed weapons technologies such as weapons of mass destruction
  • international crime
  • population migrations
  • natural disasters
  • pandemics and
  • homeland security

Our graduates will be very qualified to begin activities in many realms, including:


  1. Federal government security and intelligence agencies and other federal agencies with security and intelligence responsibilities and needs
  2. The military services
  3. Security and intelligence departments in business and industry (especially aviation, aerospace, and other transportation entities)
  4. State and local law enforcement agencies
  5. As students in graduate schools specializing in international security studies and regional affairs
  6. As students in law schools
  7. In politics as leaders or as staffs specializing in security issues, and
  8. As entrepreneurs
  9. and of course in security companies of various kinds
----->>> ATTENTION - now new option on a PIO career - please read this pagE <<<-----



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