The Brillstein Security Network

The Brillstein Group currently has around 600 member and subsidiary companies worldwide and offers a wide range of career opportunities through the Brillstein Security Group (BSG) network – with partners and network representatives all over the world and in a wide range of international security fields.

This ensures that BSA training is always up to date, but at the same time offers a very wide range of professional options. From regular security companies to airlines and various specialized companies in security-related fields and more.

BSG Partners:


Brillstein (D)  -  unser Deutsches Hauptbüro

Tsevah Shel Echad Close Combat

Personal Security Training BSA

Other partners of BSG include numerous companies worldwide in the security industry, such as the security equipment supplier Extrema Ratio - high-quality knives from Italy.

BSG's customers include major international corporations such as Dussmann AG, SAMSUNG, AT&T, as well as large insurance companies and banks, along with numerous small and medium-sized companies worldwide, in addition to countless private customers.


Imprint Brillstein & Cobra Services LC

USA, 32N Gould St, WY 82801

+1 307-900-3002

BSA is a department of the Brillstein Security Group, a service of brillstein & Cobra Services LC - our courses take place in the USA, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, Israel and Thailand, among other places.

Questions about our offers?

Please contact us via this link --> CONTACT with any and all questions.