scholarship, internship, funding

Each year, the Brillstein Security Academy offers a limited number of scholarships for the courses provided by the BSA.

Scholarships are primarily awarded to BSA/BSG employees and, additionally, to participants in our courses who have demonstrated exceptional performance during the first semester of their respective course (partial or remaining scholarships). These scholarships can be requested informally through the assigned tutor.

For 2025, we are offering approximately 15 participants per year the following partial scholarship for courses such as PIO, PEWO, PII, and PSM, under the following conditions:

  • Participants pay a one-time fee of €2,900 at the start of the course; no additional course fees will be charged, covering the entire course cost.
  • Participants must meet the minimum course entry requirements (these can be found on the course information pages on this website).
  • Participants commit to working for BRILLSTEIN locally for at least 10 hours per month during the course.

This also provides opportunities for additional income.

  • Participants will be assigned clearly defined tasks that are easy to fulfill. No additional costs or fees apply (aside from the one-time course payment). For instance, promotional materials (flyers, etc.) will be provided.
  • Participants are only required to diligently complete their assigned tasks with loyalty and will receive guidance and support.
  • If the work is performed honestly, participants can also earn additional income. With sufficient effort, this could even become a primary source of income. The outcome depends entirely on the participant’s commitment.
  • Participants must provide a monthly report of their completed tasks. If the agreed work is not performed as expected, the scholarship will be revoked, and the standard course fees will apply. The scholarship requires a minimum of 10 hours of work and completion of assigned tasks.

Eligibility for this scholarship includes the following parameters:

  • Aged 21 or older, open to men and women.
  • At least a secondary school diploma and completed vocational training, preferably with a higher education level such as a secondary school certificate.
  • Access to a computer, internet, and a personal mobile phone.
  • Excellent command of English in both written and spoken forms, with strong communication skills.
  • A clean criminal record and good reputation.
  • Professional and well-groomed appearance with a business-appropriate demeanor.
  • Not currently employed by other security firms (exceptions possible upon request).
  • No prior security experience is necessary, as all required skills will be taught in the course.

If you are interested, please read the information pages for the courses that interest you (see the menu section "COURSE INFORMATION"). Once you have chosen the course that suits you, please contact us via the feedback form, mentioning this "Scholarship" offer in your message. We will be happy to provide you with further information about the available opportunities.

Imprint Brillstein & Cobra Services LC

USA, 32N Gould St, WY 82801

+1 307-900-3002

BSA is a department of the Brillstein Security Group, a service of brillstein & Cobra Services LC - our courses take place in the USA, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, Israel and Thailand, among other places.

Questions about our offers?

Please contact us via this link --> CONTACT with any and all questions.